It was a warm, lovely night in August, 1994, the second night in a new house for my ex-husband and me. We had just completed an ardous move to Indiana from Virginia and managed to do all the first and most important steps to moving in: get the bed set up, put some of the kitchen together, buy some groceries.
When we moved in, it was only the second time I had been in the house, the neighborhood, or even in Greenwood, IN. I had no idea what the surrounding area was like or where anything was located. I saw trees in our heavily wooded backyard, but didn’t even know there was another neighborhood hidden behind us. (This was 20 years ago, before Google Earth).
Everything had been a whirlwind and we had finally landed.
The Master Bedroom was upstairs; it was a beautiful night for sleeping with all the windows open, something we couldn’t do in the hot and humid summers of Virginia. We fell asleep exhausted, listening to the night peepers outside.
And the Band Played On
We were abruptly woken up at 4:00 am by the sounds of a loud marching band. Drums, brass, whistle drills for color guard – the whole auditory experience of having a full band playing and doing drills just below your bedroom window. Except no one was in our yard.
We thought that there must be a football field just beyond the trees and for some crazy reason, they needed to practice or a game had gone very late. We were puzzled. We knew Hoosiers loved their sports but this was ridiculous!
We closed the windows which dulled the noise slightly. And as so many people do when confronted with the supernatural, we went back to bed.
The next morning we quickly got busy unpacking and establishing a new life. As I slowly learned my way around town and the subdivision, I was always looking for the football field and school that I was certain was around and that the marching band had been playing on, somewhere where the sound would carry to our house.
There wasn’t one.
Over time, I forgot all about the incident. My ex is a practical guy who has never believed in anything supernatural, even after decades of living with me and my experiences. He just strugged it off as did I.
About nine years ago, the paranormal started intruding more and more into my life, which I’ll talk about at a later time. It wasn’t until about 5 years ago that I gave serious thought to this strange event. I researched our area and the only historical information I can find is that there used to be an outdoor ampitheatre about a mile away from the house. The subdivision itself is on old farmland.
During a reading with Marilene Isaacs, I mentioned it. She said the spirits were welcoming us to the home. A residual historical event repeating itself just for us, or a loud welcoming from the spirit realm? It has never happened again during the 20 years I have lived in this home.
I may never know what it was, but it certainly was a foreshadowing of stranger things to come.